Monday, August 24, 2009

Don't fall over..I am updating my blog!

I know it has been ages but I just don't get a lot of time to update as much as I'd like, that and I am lazy! LOL

This year we have had a few 'issues' health wise with the family. All are on the road to recovery now thak goodness. Simon is recovering from his shoulder operation but I will be so happy when he can sleep properly again. The poor man has had such poor sleep for so long!

This is a photo I love of my MIL and DH I took recently at our great nephew's third birthday party. I love the casual and spontaneous look, plus the fact that they smiled was a hit too! LOL

These gorgeous flowers were a lovely gift from my beautiful friend Ann and her family for our 25th Wedding Anniversary on the 30th of June.

Here we are on the night of our big day, celebrating with Ann and her family and our family too. It was a lovely night and one we will always treasure.

Here we all are , look how grown up my lot are now! I think I might need to reset my banner with an updated photo! LOL I am very proud of them all and although I might whinge and moan occassionally...well okay a lot! LOL...they are wonderful children
and I love them very much.