Monday, April 09, 2007

I know I need to update more often!

I promise I will helps to have my password info back! This is another of my favourite from Christmas when we were all having a stir of the pudding and adding the money. Look how much Ben has grown..I suspect he might have been stretching a little but not much as he is the tallest in the family now..not that it would take much! Amanda isn't impressed being the oldest yet the shortest! LOL
OK update...Amanda actually just turned 20 at the end of March and is at Uni studying..wait for told her not to), Ellen turned 17 September and hasn't got her licence yet..not even her learner's, just not ready..which is fine by me. Ben turns 16 this May and is in Year 11 and he thought he should have been given a driving licence at age 12 because he could drive! He has already pretty much learnt the Learner's manual so I think it will be a case of 16 1/2 and do the test! And Simon and I are just simply getting older...well just a little bit!


parkyslot said...

Fabulous family photos again Robyn

Nice to see you blogging again

((HUGS))) Parky

Chrissy said...

Happy Easter Robyn!!

Blessings to you and your lovely family!
Chrissy xx

lisa said...

woo wooooo what a gorgeous lot!
Happy Easter to you all too :)
:o) Lisa xx